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109學年度教職員工「健康檢查」注意事項[Announcement] Physical checkup for Wenzao's Faculty and Staff on Friday morning 12th November,2021.

發布日期 2021-11-02 15:06:00




一、  因應高雄市衛生局防疫規定,為減少健檢時人潮群聚及停留的時間,須在健檢日之前發放問卷及採尿管,由健檢日報到時一同繳交,注意不可提前繳交。 






二、 健檢注意事項:


1.  檢查前請空腹6-8小時(可喝水,可服用高血壓藥物),其他藥物暫停服用穿著寬鬆衣服受檢,勿穿著有金屬扣飾的衣物。

2.  為避免交互使用物品,現場不提供筆,請受檢同仁當天自備筆

3.  入場時須通過體溫測量及酒精手部消毒全程配帶口罩

4.  若出現發燒/呼吸道症狀/腹瀉/味覺或嗅覺喪失等COVID-19相關症狀,當日請勿受檢,請盡速就醫並通知環安暨保管組職護盈任*2523,於11/20(六)前至聖功醫院健檢中心健檢(預約專線: 07-2255263周一至周六上午8:30~11:30)



2.體檢: (隨到隨檢,建議先進行不需排隊的項目)




     提醒您,若自費加選項目,因學校已支付附件一的勞工健檢費用,不得再申請校內健檢補助。 費用請於健檢時直接繳費給健檢人員。


總務處環安暨保管組 敬啟1101102




Physical checkup date: 8:00~11:30am Friday 12th November,2021.

Venue: Round Square


In order to reduce the gathering time on physical checkup date, and to follow the physical checkup regulation issued by Department of Health, Kaohsiung City Government, the questionnaires and urine collection tube should be delivered to subject before the physical checkup and should be submitted on physical checkup day. (DO Not submit before the physical checkup date.)  

Please DO NOT take them home incase you forget to bring them back.  Please fill in the questionnaires in advance then collect the urine at school in the physical checkup morning.

You will find your questionnaires and urine collection tube in your drawer at the department office.

Please notice :1. The 1st page of questionnaires is the physical test sheet should be filled by medical staff, please fill in the questionnaires of page2-5.

         2. For urine sampling, please take the mid-section urine, Female colleagues should not take the urine during the menstrual period.  


Attentions for physical checkup:

1. Fasting for 6-8 hours (water and medication for Hypertension are allowed) before the checkup. Wear clothes without metal item.

2. Bring your own pen to fill in the questionnaires.

3. Please wear a mask, cooperate with temperature check and hands sanitation when entering the physical checkup venue.

4. If there is any symptom of COVID-19(Fever, Respiratory symptoms, diarrhea, lose sense of taste or smell), please DO NOT take the checkup and seek for medical attention ASAP then contact the occupational nurse Sharlina Chen *2523, take the checkup at St.Joseph Hospital before Saturday(11/20) when the above symptom disappeared(Reservation tel. 07-2255263, office hours: 8:30-11:30am Mon.- Sat.)


Physical checkup rundown:

1. Check in at register desk, submit the urine sample and questionnaires. (please bring your own pen incase need to fill in the missing information.)

2. Physical Checkup. (Height/Weight/Waistline/Hearing/Vision/Blood Pressure/Blood test/Chest X ray/Physician visit). Wear a mask whole time.

3. Submit the test sheet and questionnaires at register desk and claim a breakfast box.


Attachment 1 lists the items of physical checkup by law. 

Attachment 2 is an optional items list with discounted fees.

If you choose the optional items, please pay directly on checkup day. Please DO notice that school has paid for the physical checkup by law, therefore it’s not allow to apply for a subsidy on your optional items.


Please contact the occupational nurse Sharlina Chen at the Section of Campus Safety, Environmental Protection and Assets Management at ext. 2523, 1-5pm Mon.-Fri. if there is any question.

Thank you.


 Office of General Affairs 

2nd November, 2021